面格子構造 / MENGOSHI Wooden Latticed Structure



A lattice wall and a panel wall is posted in an open gallery under a roof of flexure continuation to unfold while doing it rhythmically up and down. A principle of the lattice structure that used thinning materials as means to create high air space of the degree of freedom was applied progressively. “Tenacity” of a tree and Japan which it “caves in”, and made use of a characteristic are the structure systems which regenerated by modern analysis technology from ancient times, and lattice structure is low cost without using metal joint hardware, and there are a little CO2 discharges in sawing / a processing process, and it is low structure of environment load. Here, we crossed 105×105 half-lap joint machined cedars materials in the shape of a lattice of 606mm pace, and there were a few a pillar and limitation in placement of a wall to be seen in general by adopting “the continuation lattice” which we repeated it double, and moved a coupling, and high space of the degree of freedom to enable a long shot span more than 10m realized it.The method of the analysis for the excellent Mengoshi (wooden lattice wall) was conceived by Masahiro Inayama, a Japanese structural designer, and is accredited by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.Photography at left page is Hida Beef Cattle Memorial Museum, Gifu, where petal-shaped stiffening plates were installed within Mengoshi. The lattice wall increases the seismic resistant capacity to the compressive strain.